Our Story

The Vermont Art Studio was founded in 1948 by commercial artist Harold Blittersdorf in a small red barn across the street from the Pittsford Congregational Church. In those early days, all of the signs were lettered with a steady hand and a keen eye for advertising perfection!

Flash forward 35 years and the studio changed hands over to local entrepreneur Lary Fusco. Throughout this time in the 1980's and 90's, Vermont Art Studio continued to be known as one of the top commercial design and print shops in Vermont. Our reputation for handling jobs that no one else could soon spread, and clientele called from all over New England and the country. As printing equipment evolved, the studio adapted to new technology and continued to provide clients with the outstanding design and quality service we became known for.

In the fall of 2008, Fusco headed towards retirement and the studio was purchased by the Art Director, Aaron Davis. When the opportunity for a new location in Rutland arose, Aaron and his wife Terri Tuomisto-Davis grasped the reins and moved the studio. After laborious renovations by the couple and their family and friends, Vermont Art Studio can now be found housed in the former practice of the well-known veterinarian, Dr. H. Hugh Quimby at 175 Woodstock Avenue in Rutland. 

Pittsford, Vermont location in the fall of 1985

Pittsford, Vermont location in the fall of 1985

Current owners Aaron Davis and his wife Terri Tuomisto-Davis

Current owners Aaron Davis and his wife Terri Tuomisto-Davis

© 2018 Vermont Art Studio, Inc. • All rights reserved • 175 Woodstock Avenue, Rutland, VT 05701 • USA